Love & Service Jobs
The following information describes the service commitments at the Love & Service Group. This information comes out of our experience. It can be altered, as needed.
All 3 month positions can be given to home group members who are attending their 2nd group conscience, provided they have had attendance at the meetings in between 1st and 2nd group consciences. These individuals are given positions to assist at (set up, clean up, greeting, etc) in that one month period.
All yearly positions will be elected in December. All 6 month positions will be elected in December and June.
All positions are expected to attend the monthly business meeting and be prepared to give a verbal or written report, if necessary. Any service position that is outside the group (ex: GSR, IR, Treatment Rep, etc.) is required to give the recording secretary a WRITTEN REPORT by the end of the monthly business meeting.
To make the best decision on voting the right people into the right jobs we would like all nominees for the below jobs to provide their experience and reason they believe they will be good for the job at the nomination meeting (quick 30 second summary).
The jobs that will require this are:
Business Chair
Job’s Chair
Membership Chair
Inventory Chair
Website Chair
Recording Secretary
If an above position becomes available outside of regular election cycle, jobs chair fills the position for one month (delegate’s job - does not do it). Group becomes aware of opening and has one month to consider nominations. This motion only fits for jobs that require qualifications.
The jobs chair will send out emails regularly prior to election with a description of the jobs that will be elected. Group will be able to send nominations in November for the yearly elections. We will do this all electronically by the jobs/website chair.
The GSR will provide a talk on concept 9 each December prior to doing elections.
Sobriety requirements and relapse: If a member who relapses holds a 6 month (or longer), or they’re the meeting secretary, the forfeit their position and move into any 3 month position. Any member who holds a key must have 1 year of continuous sobriety. The treasurer of the group must have a minimum of 3 years of continuous sobriety. If a member relapses, the information should be shared with the job’s chair and membership chair.
Coffee Maker: 3 month position – 2 members – 1 coffee maker is the key holder (requires 1 year sobriety and member of the group for the past year when the position starts)
Coffee making process document - click here
The coffee maker should arrive at the church at 6:30 pm. They will unlock the church, including unlocking the door to the first step room.
The coffee maker will make coffee and water for tea. They set up the products that go with the coffee (cream, sugar, etc.). The coffee should be ready before the meeting starts. The coffee maker is responsible for cleaning up and putting away all supplies after the group.
The coffee maker is responsible for purchasing the supplies for coffee. This can include: coffee, sugar, cream, cups and tea. This money can be given in advance from the treasurer or can be reimbursed after the purchases.
Previous coffee makers should show new coffee makers how to make coffee.
Works closely with set-up to get the meeting ready.
One coffee maker needs to have 1 year of more of sobriety. This individual will hold the key for the church and be responsible for opening the church on time.
Set Up Team: 3 month position – Team of 4 to 5 people
The set up team should arrive at the church at 7 pm.
Turn on the lights within the church. This includes the light in the stairs to enter the church.
Depending on the format of the meeting, set up the room accordingly. When it is a speaker meeting, set the chairs up in class room style for the speaker meeting. The only tables set up will be by the stage where the speakers and secretary sit. Put podium up for speakers to use. Bring chairs upstairs for the speaker meeting. Make sure the first step room is ready.
Set up the AA information board. Hang up the 12 steps & 12 traditions & 12 concepts behind the front table. Hang the circular AA sign outside on the fence by the parking lot.
Set up literature and Grapevine table
Set up microphone, stand and speaker for speaker meetings.
Put out cigarette butt receptacle.
Snacks: 3 month position – 2 members
Bring snacks to each meeting. Money can be reimbursed from the treasurer or gotten before meeting. Help to clean up snacks after meeting. There is a maximum of $20 a week budget to spend on snacks.
Head Greeter: 3 month position – 1 member
Oversee greeters. If there are not enough people greeting, ask additional home group members to help.
See greeter team below.
Greeting Team 3 month position – Multiple members
Arrive at the home group at 7:30. Stands near front doors, sidewalk, side entrance or at the stairway, greeting individuals as they walk in. SPLIT UP GREETING POSITIONS. Welcome people to the Love & Service Group.
Greet until meeting starts. Can stay at greeter spot until 8:05 to greet anyone who is arriving late.
Exit greet: After meeting, stand by doors and thank people for coming to the meeting.
Usher:Let people in the parking lot know 5 minutes before the meeting starts and when the break is over.Remind people of where they can smoke in our parking lot – by the fence where the cigarette butt receptacle is located. If individuals are standing on the lawn to the neighbor’s house, ask them to stand somewhere else.
Head Clean Up: 3 month position – 1 member – Key holder (1 year sobriety required and member of the group for the past year when the position starts)
Oversees the work of the clean up positions. Works off the checklist created for clean-up.
Locks the church when leaving.
See clean-up for detailed explanation.
Clean Up Team: 3 month position – Multiple members
Responsible for cleaning up all coffee supplies and materials, as well as snack leftovers.
Wash all coffee mugs; replenish dish soap when we run out.
Take home and wash dirty drying towels, bring them back.
Responsible for cleaning up the meeting room after the meeting:
Tables need to be broken down and set up against the wall on the left side of the room (when facing the microphone).
Metal chairs get stacked on the tall chair rack and wheeled into the middle closet in the front left of the room. White plastic chairs go on the wheeled racks with one staying in the main meeting room and one going into the room with the green floor tile.
Put away all sound equipment.
Podium goes next to our blue storage cabinet.
All windows and doors should be checked. They need to be shut and locked.
Wipe down counters.
Return AA information board to our storage area.
Garbage does not need to be changed by us.
Check the meeting room to see if any cups or other garbage were not thrown away.
Put away literature.
Take down and put away 12 steps & traditions & concepts signs.
Put away love and service podium sign and display books from front tables.
Put away AA sign hanging on fence outside.
Spot sweep the floor of the meeting room.
Responsible for turning off all lights and locking the doors to the church.
Lights that need to be turned off include bathrooms, first step room, any hall lights, kitchen lights and the lights in the main meeting room.
Responsible for picking up cigarette butts outside after the meeting.
Check all areas around church.
Put the cigarette butt dispenser inside the front fall upon leaving.
Meeting Secretary: 3 month position – 1 member
Get to the meeting early. Get the 7th tradition basket(s) out and hand out the required readings. Make sure the speaker(s) are all set or 1st step speaker is present (depending on the format of that night’s meeting). Have coins ready to hand out, as well as intergroup/GSO anniversary envelopes.
Start the meeting at 8 PM and follow the format which is written out. Facilitate the short break that takes place during the meeting. Direct conversation back to a problem or solution related to alcohol or back to the topic on the floor if necessary. Make note of the topic/ speakers names, number of people in attendance and date of each of the meetings in the group notebook.
To close the meeting, ask someone nearby to read from page 164 of the big book. We end with a moment of silence followed by the serenity prayer.
After the meeting give the 7th tradition to the treasurer. Collect the readings which were passed out in the beginning and put away all the secretary’s belongings.
Our group conscience says that we don’t cut people off who identify as something other than an alcoholic. If someone goes very off topic, we will kindly ask them to return to the topic.
Be familiar with our 12 traditions.g.
Membership Chair: 6 month position – 1 member
Keep track of members of the group. When members join the group, have them fill out an index card with name, phone number, email address and sobriety date. Help new members find a job when joining group on a night other than group conscience.
Provide list of homegroup members & information to all group members at business meeting. Keep this list up-to-date with active members. Contact group members who have not come to the group in several weeks to see if they are still members.
Keep the coins stocked for the group meeting. Coins are to be purchased at the Rochester Central Office. Also keep GSO envelopes for anniversaries stocked, along with the slip of paper for Rochester Intergroup anniversaries.
When possible, remind group members of others’ anniversaries with email or text message.
Literature Representative: 6 month position – 1 member
The group's literature representative makes certain that A.A. Conference-approved books and pamphlets are on hand for meetings and properly displayed.
The literature rep should be the point person to sell the literature and give the money to the treasurer.
The literature rep gives a verbal report at meeting on any given piece of conference-approved literature (every other meeting), rotating reports with our Grapevine Representative.
Grapevine: 6 month position – 1 member
Manage subscription of Grapevine. Bring Grapevine to home group meetings. Renew subscription to Grapevine magazine when needed, along with subscription to digital archives. Purchase old copies of the Grapevine from the Grapevine’s website when the number of magazines runs low. These purchases can be made without a making motion at group conscience.
Grapevine can be mailed to the church
Create a current, attractive display of the Grapevine to be placed at literature/Grapevine table.
Provide verbal Grapevine report at home group meetings on alternate weeks, rotating with literature.
Jobs Chair: 6 month position – 1 member – key holder (1 year sobriety required and member of the group for the past year when the position starts)
Keeping track of what members hold what jobs. The business chair would still facilitate the changing of jobs at the business meeting.
Regularly update the list of jobs held by group members that is hung in the kitchen of the church. Watch for gaps in jobs. Communicate with membership chair and business meeting chair on when jobs need to be filled.
Helping facilitate training of jobs – when jobs change, the person leaving the job should show the incoming member how to do the job. The job chair will help promote this conscience and fill in when there are gaps (if a member quits abruptly, the job chair would show the new member how to do the job).
When new members join the group, they are given a job that is already shared by at least one other person. The job chair will help to see that the new member is introduced to members already doing the job (set-up, greeting, clean-up, etc.) and that the new member is shown how to do the job.
Helping facilitate the need to get another member to fill in for jobs – when a member is not going to be at the group, they should find someone to do their job. The job chair will help inform people of this conscience and promote the use of it. The job chair will remind those to follow through with this conscience and help find members to fill in for jobs when this conscience is not followed.
Updating the job descriptions. With the group archivist, the job chair will help to maintain and update the job descriptions used by the group.
Keeping tabs on jobs done at group. Communicating to group when needed as to jobs that are not being done on a regular basis, need changes, need additional people on them, etc.
When needed, reminding members to do jobs and assigning new jobs to group members outside of the business meeting.
The job chair has the extra key to the church, so they are required to have at least one year sober.
Send out emails regularly prior to election with a description of the jobs that will be elected.
- Recording Secretary: 1 year position – 1 member
- Take detailed notes at each monthly business meeting and group inventory. Email copies of minutes to members.
- Record monthly jobs and service positions and post in kitchen.
- Have an understanding of the 12 traditions.
Group Website Chair: 1 year position – 1 member - Maintain the group website (
- Keep records on the website up-to-date (including anniversaries, area minutes, members list, minutes, service positions, calendar and archival material
- Responsible for making copies of speaker CDs for the group. These CDs should be set out each week for the people to take home. Put CDs away after meeting ends
- Can be reimbursed for cost of materials from treasurer.
- Chairperson of Business Meeting: 1 year position – 1 member
- Attend each month’s group conscience on the first Saturday of the month at 5:30. Open the group conscience with a moment of silence followed by Serenity Prayer. Have each individual introduce themselves and state their service position. Have a member read “An Informed Group Conscience” and explain the purpose of a business meeting. Welcome new members or visitors.
- Develop an agenda for each business meeting. Have copies of this available for all members. Chair the meeting based on this agenda. Keep members on track with discussion. Allow for all members to share. Repeat motions and be in charge of voting on motions.
- Have an understanding of the 12 traditions, 12 concepts and Robert’s Rules of Orders.
- Close the group conscience at 7:30.
- If elected to this job, you are also agreeing to be on the Emergency Safety Committee.
- Treasurer: 1 year position – 1 member – 3 years sobriety required
- Be at home group every week in order to collect, count, record and pick up the 7th tradition funds.
- Be available to dispense 7th tradition funds to group members for supplies, literature and other expenses. Be able to provide safe keeping of the funds as well as be able to pay out the contributions via check, cash, credit card or money order.
- 7th tradition is first used to pay for expenses for supplies (coffee, snacks, literature, etc). 40% of the leftover funds are given to the church. This can be dropped in the mail slot at the front door or slid under the church secretary’s office door. Of the amount leftover, 50% goes to intergroup. This can be paid in person at intergroup, online at or by mail. 30% goes to GSO, which can be paid online at or by mail. 15% goes to area and 5% goes to district. Area and district can be paid in person or by mail. The mailing address changes for these service entities depending on who hold the position. The group GSR will have this information.
- Keep accurate records of 7th tradition collected as well as expenditures from month to month.
- Provide written report of monthly ledger that includes expenditures, collection, and contributions to the service entities and the church at group conscience. At the business meeting, provide group with copies of receipts from contributions to service entities (except for church contribution).
- Pay the ASL interpreter after the speaker meeting each month.
- Provide written report to group’s recording secretary by the end of the monthly group conscience.
- Collect money from the Thursday night meeting. Keep separate records of Saturday and Thursday night income and expenses. Pay rent separately for 2 meetings (2 different checks, money orders or envelopes of money)
- If elected to this job, you are also agreeing to be on the Emergency Safety Committee.
- Assistant Treasurer: 1 year position – 1 member - 3 years sobriety required
- Assist treasurer will all above expectations
- Second count of the money at the meeting
- Fill in for treasurer at group and business meeting
- Can stand for treasurer position after fulfilling assistant treasurer position
- Treatment Representative: 1 year position – 1 member - Sobriety requirements of one year - member of the group for the past year when the position starts
- Attend treatment committee every month and carry the voice of the group.
- Main responsibilities are signing the group up for treatment commitments each month and getting literature for treatment bag.
- Attend monthly group conscience with report, informing group of treatment commitments and any notable business from treatment committee. Provide written report to group’s recording secretary by the end of the monthly group conscience.
- Recruit and schedule group members to attend treatment meetings each month using calendar and make sure treatment literature bag is getting to members taking the treatment commitment each week
- Keep tabs on treatment literature bag (both quantity and location).
- Understanding of traditions is beneficial, but not required.
- Group conscience is that we do not sign up for Saturday night treatment meetings UNLESS no other group is available to take the meeting.
- Alt Treatment Representative: 1 year position – 1 member
- Coordinate with the group’s treatment rep on when to attend the treatment meeting.
- Fill in for the group’s treatment rep at group conscience when needed.
- Follow the job description for the treatment rep.
- Corrections Representative: 1 year position – 1 member
- Go to all corrections committee meetings at Intergroup.
- Make Bridging the Gap program available to members of the group. Link members of jails and prisons to members of the group that want to correspond to them and help the inmate get exposed to local A.A. when they are released.
- Inform the group on how to sign up for jails/prisons and help them go through the process of getting cleared to go into the institutions.
- Develop an understanding of the rules and regulations behind bringing meetings into jails and prisons.
- Attend monthly group conscience with report. Provide written report to group’s recording secretary by the end of the monthly group conscience.
- Alt Corrections Representative: 1 year position – 1 member
- Coordinate with the group’s corrections representative on when to attend the correction meeting.
- Fill in for the correction representative at group conscience when needed.
- Follow the rest of the job description for the corrections representative.
- PI/CPC (Public Information/ Cooperation with the Professional Community) Rep: 1 year – 1 member
- Attend PI/CPC Committee meeting each month.
- Attend monthly group conscience with report. Provide written report to group’s recording secretary by the end of the monthly group conscience.
- Our group's PI/CPC representative is responsible for working with our local intergroup's PI/CPC Committee and informing our group on its activities. For public information work our rep may participate in P.I. programs requested by schools, businesses, law-enforcement agencies and other organizations interested in the A.A. approach to recovery from alcoholism.
- For CPC work our rep will focus on cooperation but not affiliation with the professional community -- educators, medical professionals, clergy, court officials and others who are in contact with active alcoholics.
- Alt PI/CPC (Public Information/ Cooperation with the Professional Community) Rep: 1 year – 1 member
- Coordinate with the group’s PI/CPC Rep on when to attend the PI/CPC meeting.
- Fill in for the PI/CPC Rep at group conscience when needed.
- Follow job description under PI/CPC rep.
- Accessibility Committee Representative: 1 year – 1 member
- Attend the accessibility committee meeting 2nd Tuesday of each month at 6:30 pm at the Rochester Central Office.
- Work with committee on needed commitments and projects. The purpose of this committee is to make AA available to those with special needs.
- Set up the interpreter for the speaker meeting the last Saturday of each month. Connect with the accessibility committee to know current interpreters.
- Attend monthly group conscience with report. Provide written report to group’s recording secretary by the end of the monthly group conscience.
- Alt Accessibility Committee Representative: 1 year – 1 member
- Coordinate with the group’s Accessibility Rep on when to attend the Accessibility meeting.
- Fill in for the Accessibility Rep at group conscience when needed.
- Follow job description under Accessibility Representative.
- Archives Representative: 1 year position - 1 member
- Attend archives committee meeting 1st Wednesday of each month at 6:30 pm at the Rochester Medical Museum & Archives at 1441 East Avenue, 2nd floor.
- Work with the archives committee on needed commitments and projects. The purpose of this committee is to maintain Rochester’s AA archival materials for future reference and use.
- Attend monthly group conscience with report. Provide written report to group’s recording secretary by the end of the monthly group conscience.
- Education and Participation Representative: 1 year position – 1 member
- Attend Education and Participation Committee meeting 3rd Tuesday of each month at 6 pm at Rochester Central Office.
- Work with committee on needed commitments and projects. The purpose of this committee is to educate local groups and encourage participation at the intergroup level.
- Attend monthly group conscience with report. Provide written report to group’s recording secretary by the end of the monthly group conscience.
Nightwatch Representative: 1 year position – 1 member - Attend Nightwatch (Telephone) Committee meeting 4th Tuesday of every month at 6:30 pm at the Rochester Central Office.
- Work with committee on needed commitments and projects. The purpose of this committee is to provide an answering service after hours for individuals who call AA.
- Sign the group up for a month to answer the phones. Coordinate the members who will be on-call each week and the exchange of the Nightwatch binders. Provide this information to the group and the Nightwatch committee.
- Attend monthly group conscience with report. Provide written report to group’s recording secretary by the end of the monthly group conscience.
- Website Representative: 1 year position – 1 member
- Attend Website Committee meeting 2nd Wednesday of each month at 6:30 pm at the Rochester Central Office.
- Work with committee on needed commitments and projects. The purpose of this committee is to maintain the website for the Rochester Intergroup.
- Attend monthly group conscience with report. Provide written report to group’s recording secretary by the end of the monthly group conscience.
- Intergroup Representative: 1 year position – 1 member - member of the group for the past year when the position starts
- Attend monthly intergroup representative meeting every third Thursday at 6:30 pm at Central Office.
- Provide link between group and intergroup.
- Have a clear understanding of the standing committees that report to intergroup.
- Provide detailed report to home group at each group conscience. Provide written report to group’s recording secretary by the end of the monthly group conscience.
- Have a solid understanding of the 12 traditions.
- If elected to this job, you are also agreeing to be on the Emergency Safety Committee.
- Alt Intergroup Representative: 1 year position – 1 member
- Coordinate with the group’s Intergroup Rep on when to attend the IR meeting.
- Fill in for the IR at group conscience and the IR meeting when needed.
- Have a solid understanding of the 12 traditions.
- Follow job description under IR representative.
- General Service Representative: 2 year position – 1 member - member of the group for the past year when the position starts
- The GSR has the job of linking the group with A.A. as a whole. The GSR represents the voice of the group conscience, reporting the group’s thoughts to the area assembly and the delegate, who passes them on to the conference. The GSR is responsible for bringing back to the group information from the area assembly that effect A.A. unity, health and growth.
- They are required to attend the area assembly that meets on the second Sunday of each month from 1-5PM in different parts of central N.Y. ranging from Bath to Alexandria Bay. You are also required to attend the G.S.R. workshop. This meets once a month at our local intergroup office. They are to write a report to be given at the group conscience. It is important that the GSR study and get familiar with the 12 concepts and traditions and learn about A.A history.
- See the AA Service Manual chapter 2: The Group and its GSR for a more detailed description of the job.
- Provide written report to group’s recording secretary by the end of the monthly group conscience.
- If elected to this job, you are also agreeing to be on the Emergency Safety Committee.
- Alternate General Service Representative: 1 year position – 1 member
- Coordinate with the group’s GSR on when to attend the Area Assembly and district meeting.
- Fill in for the GSR at group conscience, area and district when needed.
- Have a solid understanding of the 12 traditions.
- Follow job description under GSR.
- Archivist & Group Inventory Chiar: 2 year position – 1 member
- Regularly attend group conscience and home group meetings. Keep archives available for home group members.
- Maintain archives of documents presented at group conscience. Keep archives safe and orderly in an environment preferred for ‘health’ of physical documents. Work with website chair to keep minutes on group website.
- Maintain a collection of past minutes at the group, available during group conscience.
- Possess solid understanding of the twelve traditions.
- Provide the group with a written history at the group anniversary.
- IR mailings sent to archivist – bring them to group and update the bulletin board
- Coordinate group inventory (at least one per year) including: collecting questions and issues from members, planning time and place for inventory and facilitator for inventory
- Provide group with the questions for 10 minute discussion at start of business meeting, especially discussing this with business meeting chairperson
- If elected to this job, you are also agreeing to be on the Emergency Safety Committee.